Smart Advisor

CS350 - Database Systems Project from Spring 2020

Based on their skills and interests, students’ success in courses may differ greatly. Predicting student success in courses before they take them may be important. For instance, students may choose elective courses that they are likely to pass with good grades. Besides, instructors may have an idea about the expected success of students in a class, and may restructure the course organization accordingly. Instructors can also follow their students’ performance and track their graduation progress. In this project, we implement a web-based application interface for students and instructors to process and manage analysis efficiently. An efficient and robust Database Management System is implemented for better management and handling of data.

Every project has a beautiful feature showcase page. It’s easy to include images in a flexible 3-column grid format. Make your photos 1/3, 2/3, or full width.

To give your project a background in the portfolio page, just add the img tag to the front matter like so:

layout: page
title: project
description: a project with a background image
img: /assets/img/12.jpg
Caption photos easily. On the left, a road goes through a tunnel. Middle, leaves artistically fall in a hipster photoshoot. Right, in another hipster photoshoot, a lumberjack grasps a handful of pine needles.
This image can also have a caption. It's like magic.

You can also put regular text between your rows of images. Say you wanted to write a little bit about your project before you posted the rest of the images. You describe how you toiled, sweated, bled for your project, and then… you reveal it’s glory in the next row of images.

You can also have artistically styled 2/3 + 1/3 images, like these.

The code is simple. Just wrap your images with <div class="col-sm"> and place them inside <div class="row"> (read more about the Bootstrap Grid system). To make images responsive, add img-fluid class to each; for rounded corners and shadows use rounded and z-depth-1 classes. Here’s the code for the last row of images above:

<div class="row justify-content-sm-center">
    <div class="col-sm-8 mt-3 mt-md-0">
        <img class="img-fluid rounded z-depth-1" src="/assets/img/6.jpg" alt="" title="example image"/>
    <div class="col-sm-4 mt-3 mt-md-0">
        <img class="img-fluid rounded z-depth-1" src="/assets/img/11.jpg" alt="" title="example image"/>